Executive Diploma: Leading With Motivational Intelligence

Leading people, teams, and your business or organisation through transition, change or adaptation is a critical leadership capability that is a MUST in the new post pandemic world.

There is one fundamental truth that applies to every organisation's ability to adapt to changing market dynamics. Businesses can only transform at the rate they can get their employees to embrace change.

Getting people to let go of long-held ways of doing things, moving them outside of comfort zones and gaining employee buy-in to new ideas and approaches is the single most significant impediment to organisational transformation.

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I've attended numerous training and development courses throughout my career.

I can say with great confidence that the Leading With Motivational Intelligence (LWMQ) course is by far one of the most profound personal and professional training programmes I've experienced.

The training was engaging, gripping, dynamic, and left me with plenty of points for reflections on what I'm doing well and what I can improve upon.